Independant Celebrant
Whether you are celebrating the joy of a new life, the love between two individuals, or honoring the memory of a loved one, I will work with you to ensure that the ceremony accurately reflects your values, beliefs, and wishes.
Celebrant Services
A wedding ceremony is that special moment when you announce to the world that you have found the one you love. Together, in front of the people who love and care for you, you vow to be together forever.
I perform marriage ceremonies for all couples declaring their desire to be married. I will deliver your specially crafted ceremony with warmth and ease so that the wedding experience you dream of becomes a stress free reality. Together we can capture the love the two of you share.
Let me help bring out your creativity and together we’ll develop that special, memorable ceremony.

Planning for your Wedding
Contact me for an initial no obligation meeting (approx. 20 minutes). We can meet at my place or yours. If you decide I am the celebrant for you, a deposit is paid and the date for the ceremony is secured.
You have the choice of a registry style ceremony, with a simple script, ring exchange, and vows. Alternatively, we can schedule a second meeting to go over ideas and details such as format, readings, symbolism and music to create a more personal ceremony . I then spend time, weaving my magic and produce a first draft. I send the draft for you to review and give feedback. I work with you until it is perfect for you both.
You will need to apply for the marriage license about three months before your wedding. I am able to perform the legal part of the wedding ceremony. Within a week of your wedding we can have a rehearsal at the venue with the wedding party.
Pricing for Weddings
Registry $90
Out of hours registry style $250
Simple and personal from $350 to $400
Bespoke personal $700 to $1000 includes rehearsal
Travel at $0.95 per 1 km
A non- refundable deposit of NZ $150 to confirm a booking
I only do one personal wedding per day
No-one wants to think about the grief and sadness of losing a family member or friend but inevitably, and sometimes unexpectedly, it is something we all have to face sometime in our lives.
Funerals can be a celebration of a life lived and an opportunity for people to gather together and comfort one another. The type of funeral service or style chosen can reflect the wishes of the deceased as well as reflecting the needs of the family left behind.
If you are planning a funeral, think about the person who has died and what aspects of their life and achievements you wish to celebrate. Think also about yourself and your family and make the funeral a time to draw comfort and strength, as well as time to remember.

Personalised Funeral Ceremony
A personal ceremony designed with the assistance of an empathetic Celebrant can provide comfort to those who are bereaved by giving them a safe space to acknowledge their grief and loss and develop a fitting tribute to the one who has passed away. A well thought out funeral can be an important step in the grieving process.
My main focus as a Celebrant is to provide the best possible service to the family by writing and designing a thoughtful and respectful funeral ceremony. I can meet with you and create a ceremony that meets your needs and that involves family and friends in appropriate roles as you wish.
If you decide that I am the right Celebrant for the occasion, I meet with you and the family promptly to learn as much as I can about the person in the time available. I like to meet or speak to as many people as possible from different aspects of the person’s life to help develop a complete picture of the person. I also like to know who would like to speak at the funeral and who would be prepared to share a story or a memory so that they could be included in the ceremony. The ceremony will be read to you so that phrasing ‘sounds right’ and that pronunciation of names, places, events, will be correct.
Pricing for Funerals
Standard Funeral Services NZ$550 + travel at NZ$0.95 per 1km.
Longer funeral $250 if ceremony 1.5 hrs or longer.
There may be additional fess for eulogy writing.
Baby Naming
Baby naming ceremonies have been used for centuries in a non-religious way to introduce the new baby to the friends and family of the happy parents. These are usually relaxed, happy affairs with lots of children and noise. This short ceremony is usually held at the beginning of the party and can be held anywhere.
Anyone who is likely to be an important person in the child’s life should be invited to the naming ceremony. Grandparents, godparents, mentors or anyone who is likely to play a supportive role throughout the child's life can be considered as contributors in the ceremony.
Naming ceremonies can be very innovative and the sky is the limit in terms of who participates and symbolism used. My role is to assist parents customize the ceremony to reflect their culture, personalities and their hopes and dreams for their new baby. The ceremony is delivered with joy and aplomb!

Planning your Baby Naming Ceremony
Call me initially for a no obligation informal chat. I’ll answer all your questions about naming ceremonies. If you decide I am the celebrant for you, a deposit is paid and the date for the ceremony is secured.
We organise a meeting to discuss ceremony content and you receive some resources to help you develop your ideas. We remain in contact as we shape and refine your ceremony. A second meeting is held ahead of your date where we finalise the ceremony. If held in a public place such as a park I would advise seeking permission from local council.
Pricing for Baby Naming
$300 to $600 depending on degree of event planning, creative writing and time spent in preparation.
NZ $100 deposit paid to secure the date and ceremony.
There may be additional travelling expenses if the ceremony is held some distance from my residence.
Privacy Statement
In order to perform legal marriages, I am sent personal data collected by the Department of Internal Affairs, including information about your:
Name and contact information.
Date of birth, sex, marital status, names of your parents and your occupation.
I receive your personal information in order to:
Perform legal marriages and other ceremonies.
I keep your information safe by storing in secure files and only Helen O Shaughnessy sees and uses data obtained.
I keep your information for 1 year maximum, at which point I securely destroy it by erasing data from files and email.
Paper marriage licenses are shredded after 1 month.
You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact me at, or phone +64 2246 67971.